Please provide your UCI (Unique Client Identifier) number when you register for an account on the AEIP website. The number is used to identify if our clients are eligible to use our services.
You can find the UCI number in one of the following documents.
- Medical Exam Instructions
- Confirmation of Permanent Residence
- Permanent Residence Card
- Correspondence letter from IRCC (For Family Class only)
Medical Exam Instructions
Medical Exam Instructions – MEI form portion (2 pages)
Page 2 on the right is the actual Medical form indicating UCI number
Confirmation of Permanent Residence
COPR (Confirmation of Permanent Residence) is for applying for PR card before leaving the port of entry.
COPR lists both UCI numbers and Document number (IMM).
Permanent Residence Card
Correspondence Letter From IRCC (For Family Class Only)
This is an example of a IRCC letter received by a family class applicant. It indicates the principal applicant’s UCI number.
Note: Earlier letter addressed to the sponsor indicates the sponsor’s UCI even though the application number (F~) is identical. Please make sure the number provided is for the applicant, not the sponsor.